Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beach Body Tips!

So, summer is right around the corner and you think it's too late to get your beach body ready? Wrong! Even if you aren't heading to the beach this summer, you can still get a beach body. Here are some simple tips to get you on the right track.
  1. Walking is the best thing that anyone can do. If you can put in 30 minutes a day then you are going to shed those unwanted pounds like no tomorrow. 
  2. Drink plenty of water and kick the soda, tea, and other junk juice to the curb. When you get hungry, have a glass of water first to see if you really are hungry. 
  3. Make sure you take a good multivitamin and even mix in some resistance training when possible. 

Remember, to get toned you need to do low weights, high reps. What this basically means is that you need to use a weight that you can do many many times. Don't put something on the bar that you can only do once or twice, aim for 3 sets of 10. One last tip is to not sleep the summer away. Getting up early on your day off will help you get motivated to be active and not sleep your summer away. Use the helpful tips and incorporate them into your workout for optimal results and you'll start noticing your new body in just a few weeks!
Members Mark Multivitamin Gummies - 300 ct. This is one of my personal favorite vitamins. It's in a chewy form, almost like a candy consistency. It doesn't taste like a regular bland vitamin and it gets the job done!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Common Misconceptions About ADHD

These days, many parents are a bit too quick to self-diagnose their children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD. Let's face it, children will always be children, despite how well mannered or disciplined they may be. Children are going to lose focus, run rampant around the house and not listen to you on certain occasions. This does not necessarily mean they are ADHD.

Some of the medications used for ADHD and ADD can be harmful to your child, so it is very important to make sure you are helping your child and not hurting them. The most common medication used for children with ADHD is Ritalin. This specific medication comes in many forms and doses. However, side effects may be lack of appetite, restlessness, and in some cases, severe mood swings once the medication wears off. If your physician has diagnosed your child with either ADHD or ADD and has not suggested additional counseling with the use of medication, think about it. In many cases, children are more likely to focus better in and outside of school if what they are focusing on is more appealing to them.

Think about it. Giving  child, especially a younger child medication may make them feel like there is something wrong with them. This is a feeling that many children may harbor or act out upon, making your job as a parent that much harder. If they are having difficulty focusing on their school work, try making their school work more interesting for them. Just remember that as a parent, you are not alone. There are plenty of parents like yourself, facing the same issues. Utilize forums, community groups and workshops to help you through the emotions that a parent goes through while helping their children.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What is a Yeast Infection?

A yeast infection could very well be one of the most annoying, yet common health issues for a woman. As strange as it is to grasp, every women naturally has small numbers of yeast cells in their vagina. By standard definition a yeast infection is when a women develops high numbers of these cells in their vagina. Since yeast is a fungus, too much of it throws the body off balance.

A yeast infection can be quite uncomfortable, to say the least. If you have a yeast infection, you may experience discomfort such as itching or soreness, especially when having sex or attempting to urinate. I say attempting because sometimes, when higher amounts of yeast are present, the simple act of urination can seem like a triathlon! You may also notice that your body is producing a white, clumpy discharge that may or may not have a slight odor to it. This is normal when it comes to a yeast infection. Even if you do not experience discomfort, you should consult your doctor if you notice this type of discharge.

According to WebMD and most medical professionals, yeast infections can be prevented by keeping your genital area as dry as possible. Here are some tips that WebMD suggests to avoid the common yeast infection.
  • Wear cotton, not nylon, underwear, and avoid tight-fitting pants and panty hose.
  • Change out of a wet swimsuit right away.
  • Avoid douches and feminine sprays, scented toilet paper, and deodorant tampons.
And remember, when it comes to your health, never depend on recommendations or the Internet. Consult your physician about your concerns!

For more information about yeast infections or to browse some products which may help Click Here to Visit Yeast Infection No More!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does P90X Work?

The short answer is, yes. If you are looking for a great weight loss program that will whip you into shape and transform your body into something that you never thought possible then this is the program for you. In just 90 days you will stop recognizing yourself in the mirror and start seeing what appears to be a sculpture. It doesn't matter if you are big or small, it works for EVERYONE. It is recommended that you are at least in semi good shape before starting this program as it is pretty intense. It will come with a brief test that will determine if you are ready to try P90X or not but the average person will have no trouble at all completing it. Not sure what to eat? It doesn't matter! You'll get meal plans for the full 90 days with this program as well. It isn't hype, it's the truth. Why wait? Try it now and experience the results for yourself and see what all the fuss is about! P90X Extreme Home Fitness Workout Program - 13 DVDs, Nutrition Guide, Exercise Planner

Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Do A Burpee

Ready to lose some weight? The video above is not our video but it does show you how to complete one of the best exercises out there, the burpee. With this exercise, you will be able to push yourself closer towards your weight loss goals. This is a great full body workout and you'll see why when you first try one. Mix this in with your normal workout routine or with some walking and you'll see results in no time. Get ready to feel the burn! Some other great exercises to look into are squats, lunges, and mountain climbers. These all utilize your legs but also work the rest of your body as well. What does this mean? It means they are great for weight loss. Be sure to consult with your physician before beginning any exercise routine, stretch properly, and take some good vitamins while working out to help your immune system stay up and also to help you recover. Good luck and enjoy the results!

How to Quit Smoking

Of course every smoker, at some point or another, wants to learn how to quit smoking. Although it is much easier said then done, it may not be as hard as you think to learn how to quit smoking. The first thing you should know going in, is that no one will be able to stop smoking unless they truly want to quit. Cigarettes have a mental hold on a smoker just as much as a chemical one.

Many statistics have shown that the key to how to quit smoking is learning the art of dissociation. Many smokers smoke cigarettes as part of their routine. Some may religiously smoke a cigarette in the morning while they drink their coffee or read the morning paper. Some may sit in the same chair at night while they smoke that last cigarette before bedtime. The hardest part about learning how to quit smoking is being conscious of the act while continuing these same daily routines. Should you stop reading your morning paper just because you do not want to smoke a cigarette? No. You should maybe change the area where you read your morning paper. Think of it as a mind trick. If you switch positions, your mind will not associate things with smoking cigarettes.

Smoking while in the car is a huge habit for many smokers. We've all seen the commercial which depicts that smokers need to smoke while driving but do not need to drive while smoking. As funny as the commercial is, it is quite true. The same concept applies. Many people have their vehicle detailed and cleaned which enables them to want to keep it so by not continuing to smoke in it.

At the end of the day, there are plenty of ways to learn how to quit smoking. Although none of them will work without the willpower to quit. I've heard some pretty strange ways people have successfully stopped. But like anything else in life, what works well for one individual may not work well for others. A great place to start a smoke-free life is to first find your smoking pattern and work from there.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Keeping Up With Your Prostate

Prostate cancer

is more common than many men want to believe. According to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, "Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in American men, after skin cancer."  There are plenty of prostate supplements available to help you maintain your prostate health, saw palmetto being one of the most commonly used.

Saw Palmetto Extract - Wikipedia Definition

Saw palmetto extract is an extract of the fruit of Serenoa repens. It is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols. It has been used in traditional, eclectic, and alternative medicine for a variety of indications, most notably benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Of course, if you are experiencing symptoms of an enlarged prostate, such as frequent urination, waking up in the middle of the night just to use the bathroom, you should consult your physician. However, all men over the age of 35 should consult their physician about their recommendations to start maintaining proper prostate health. Aside from a saw palmetto based prostate supplement, I'm sure you have heard of the super prostate formula! Several companies use the super prostate formula to help decrease the frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, alleviating the frequent urination. Although no one could say that a prostate supplement, which is not approved by the FDA, could shrink the prostate, certain prostate supplements can help decrease the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

When taking any type of prostate supplement, you should always consult your physician regularly. Self-diagnosing and treating yourself is never recommended. Here's some resources that you may find helpful:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Herbal Supplements 101

Herbal supplements are getting more and more popular by the minute but what is all the fuss about? For starters, it's a more natural remedy in comparison to pharmaceutical drugs and supplements. They have also been known to boost the immune system, improve memory, allow a deeper and better sleep, as well as improve your overall health. As with any supplement, there are certain risks that you need to be aware of when it comes to taking an herbal supplement. It's always important to check with a physician to see if taking herbal supplements could be harmful to your health especially if you are on any medications as the combo could be a bad one.

A few popular herbal supplements to keep an eye out for are garlic, ginseng, echinacea, and gingko. They all have their own individual benefits so it is important to find out what you are trying to achieve by taking herbal supplements before you decide on which one you are going to take. Try to get in touch with someone who is currently taking herbal supplements and discuss the improvements that they have or haven't made by switching to them. There are a ton of online stores where you can purchase these supplements and at a price that won't hurt your budget. After all, it's good to save money, right? Our recommendation ... Visit the House of Nutrition website. They have plenty of vitamins, supplements and resources for you to browse through.