Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bed Bug Epidemic

By now, I am almost positive that everyone has heard something about this bed bug epidemic we have found ourselves in. I know here in New York, we are all ready to move south, away from these annoying little critters!
I have been doing some research and although no one has yet to find an effective way to get rid of them, I have read that rubbing alcohol will slow them down some.

Of course, this isn't by any way a solution to the problem, but it will help buy some time to get an exterminator or find a product that actually works. I also read that using store bought bombs will not work! In fact, they will actually aggravate the issue even more because the fumes cause the bed bugs to scatter away from the bomb to other parts of the house! What are we to do?

Well, here are some tips that the latter of articles are recommending:
  • Do not move any furniture around. This will cause the bed bugs which are hiding in the furniture a new home in other parts of the house
  • Spray alcohol on and around all bedding and furniture
  • Seal any cracks in the walls or flooring
  • Continuously sweep and vaccuum
  • Use double sided tape on bed linings to see if you even have a bed bug problem
  • Wash all laundry, including and most importantly bed linens, on a weekly basis, drying for an extra cycle on high. Bed bugs cannot withstand prelonged high temperatures
Unfortunately, there really is no solution aside from repeat methods.  I have found some products that will help buy some time but remember, bed bugs are able to stay dormant for months at a time without feeding so just because you are no longer getting bit, doesn't mean they have found a new home elsewhere!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Avon Helps With Aging Skin

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