Friday, April 1, 2011

The Truth About Snoring

We've all witnessed it! Whether it is you personally or someone who sleeps around you, you have heard the unpleasant sounds of snoring! Being a quite amusing word in itself, many people are unaware of the reasons which make certain people snore. Let's face it, if it was a normal phase of life, wouldn't everyone snore?

The Reasons

Snoring is caused by any obstruction in the breathing process or pathways. This could be caused from time to time by a stuffing nose or sinus infection, or be caused by a long term, more in depth reason such as a polyp or inflamed tonsils. Even a sore throat could cause a person to snore. Did you know that when you sleep in certain positions your tongue may be pushed back a bit, causing your throat passage to be slightly blocked? This could also be a cause of snoring while you sleep.

It is somewhat fascinating that even while you sleep, your body will breathe on its own, despite blocked passageways. This is why some people snore much louder and deeper than others. It's been said that you are not supposed to attempt to make someone else stop snoring while they are sleeping. In essence, this is because you may cause more blockage and in very, very rare cases, you may cause the person to stop breathing. Much like sleep walking, it is best to confront these situations when the person is widely awake and conscious of what you are attempting to do!

The Solutions

Doctors recommend patients who snore excessively to maintain a healthy weight at all times. This will keep the breathing passages clear of excess fat from blocking them. Some doctors recommend sleeping on your side rather than on your back, to avoid your tongue from positioning itself in front of your throat passage. An old home remedy which may also work for some people who casually snore is to rub some VapoRub or eucalyptus on their chest before going to sleep. The vapors will relax your nerves and open up your breathing passages, allowing more air to travel through.

If you find, or a partner tells you that you have a tendency to snore in your sleep, talk it over with your doctor. Although it may be a simple reason like your sleep position, it is always best to make sure with a trained physician!
You Don't Have to Suffer from Snoring - Click Here to Learn More